The Beauty of Aged Love

In my book, “To Comfort a King,” Abishag repeatedly witnessed the simple, yet so intense, passion that King David and Bathsheba shared. On the king’s good days, the two of them enjoyed just sitting together and chatting quietly about the events of the day. They sometimes reminisced about favorite memories from their past. Even when the king was not able to respond to her, Bathsheba affectionately stroked his white hair, or kissed his dry lips, or cupped his wrinkled face with her own aged palm. And sometimes, they just were together silently, each taking comfort in the mere presence of the other.

In many ways, the aged population in our society is considered “worthless.” Perhaps it is that group of people who truly know how to love. The brash urgency of young passion has been replaced by a tender patience whose purpose is to please and uplift one’s partner. They understand the importance of a warm quilt of lovely memories shared with their loved one. They have a matured sense of the brevity of life and are determined to make their moments together count.

If you have been blessed to observe an older couple in your family or your church congregation, learn from their example! Honor and serve your life partner or your dearest friend with a greater appreciation for the joys you can share as you create memories to keep you warm in your old age.