About Me

I grew up in a small community in southcentral Iowa.  There are fond memories of riding bikes with my brother, fearlessly winding our ways up and down every street in the little town.  On warm Sunday afternoons, my family’s car sprouted arms from the back windows when we loaded up and headed for a dirt road to look for “pretty” rocks.  Mom would collect our finds in the pockets of her dress, and then she discretely returned most of them back to nature while we piled into the back seat of the car.

I began writing in high school when daily journaling was an assignment.  My English instructor patiently penned red ink wisdom in the columns of my journals in response to whichever teenage drama I had reduced to words.  Mr. Wilkins thus became a lifelong friend who continued to mentor me in all aspects of living.  It was he who encouraged me to seek a publisher for my book “To Comfort a King.”

During high school, I served as editor of both our school’s weekly newspaper column and our yearbook.  Even then, I dreamed of writing a book someday; but reality insisted that I get some college education to support my writing habit, and I ended up with an accounting degree.

When not writing, I enjoy walking the local nature trail, riding the GoldWing with my husband, and entertaining the ten most delightful little people in the world – my grandchildren.

Thank you for visiting my website.  If you have enjoyed reading my book, please share it with someone else.

Debbie Gilliland